Some Important Information About Tax Relief

The Medford Tax Experts, Inc.

Put a Medford Tax Expert on Your Side

Help with Taxes

Our tax service has an alliance with free filing software developers. Our tax preparers are available to help when you need us. If ever there is an issue, let’s deal with the problem immediately before things get worse.

Communication with the IRS and DOR is time-consuming. For the average citizen, this is a threatening experience. We understand. If you want tax help, don’t be afraid to ask a tax expert. Seek an Enrolled Agent at The Medford Tax Experts, Inc. who can guide you through the process.
What do The Medford Tax Experts, Inc. do for tax service?

  • Produce supporting documents during IRS/DOR examinations
  • Provide support throughout all reviews and audits
  • Remove IRS levies and assets seizures
  • Deal directly on your behalf with tax examiners and appeals officers
  • File amended returns for abatements and refunds
  • File tax returns for missing years
  • Negotiate tax debt and penalties

MA DOR rules are not always the same as the IRS. You want someone who is familiar with the process and the rules.

Collection Notices

Inaction can lead to

  • Wage Garnishment
  • Bank Account Seizure
  • Property Liens

Any IRS notice is scary and might become the beginning of bigger problems. Timely responses are essential. Contact us immediately and allow us to assemble the response.

Tax Audits

Taxpayers who filed timely tax returns and paid their taxes on time never dream that they ever might need tax audit help. When the tax notice of examination arrives in the mail, the first reaction is panic and hysteria.

Tax auditors focus on errors, omissions, and computerized reports. In many cases, a specific piece of backup documentation is lacking.

Without representation, how can you satisfy the requirements and quickly put the matter to rest? We’ll work with you to meet your tax obligations and to protect your original tax filing.

Tax Relief

Tax relief requires

  • Full disclosure of all recent financial activities,
  • Current compliance of all filings
  • A satisfactory explanation to dismiss willful neglect penalties.

Let us assist you through the process.

The Medford Tax Experts, Inc.